lauantai 25. tammikuuta 2014

Full Moon continues..

1. I was at some fairground and "that guy" from work was there and something about cars/his cars. We were playing games and a game that was like bingo on a pinball sort of a machine and you would win in bit coins, even though you had to put in real money. One game was 40 cents and while I was playing a friend of mine kept adding coins and then I won 1 bit coin and I was confused on how much of the winning was mine since my friend had been putting in more money. 

2. I had my skin put to "wash" (like literally peeled of and put in a machine) to make it softer and tighter. I was supposed to go with my bf/ex (whatever he is) to the summer cabin and I had not gotten my skin back yet. So I had to get it early and it was not sitting properly on my body so I had problems with how it felt and I sat in the car with my bf/ex and while I was driving he was looking for a receipt in his wallet and I saw a condom. Then I took his wallet and had a look and found more, first 5 then 15-20. I got so mad and asked what the hell he is doing with all those condoms. 

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