keskiviikko 15. elokuuta 2012

At the library

I was going to get a book from the University Library and they had renovated it. It was huge, and instead of the old way, the floors were not in letters, but in numbers and I didn't know what the old N floor was. I thought I'd see by the author but didn't know where to look. Then I came across the thought "Why am I here, I already have both books that I need". I went into the big book room and it was so high in the roof, the book shelves were fancy old big dark wooden shelves and looked like something from Harry Potter, but more modern. Then if you wanted to go upstairs, there was this pathway in the middle built of glass walls, or rails, hang-bridges and it all had a red velvet floor. I was dead scared that the hang-bridges would break since they were so far up that you might die if you fell, and then get all the shattered glass on you. At one point I hit my toes at something sharp and broke my pantyhose. I continued to walk along the path thing, and when I decided to leave I saw a small train and some mini Bus (grey and black). They were both on rails. Then I got caught on a rail and was moved forward to a place where 2 men were fixing the rails. And there at the end, were these plastic curtains, like a cold room has. When I was at the end and jumped off I ripped my pantyhose again. Then just before I went outside I caught and looked for my lighter. A man also caught and said in my own language (even if it's not this countries first language) "you shouldn't smoke". I was wondering how he knew I was looking for my lighter and noticed I had a smoke at my lips. I spit it out and then met a girl I know outside. She started talking to me and I just looked outside and thought what way I should take, what was shorter to the Bus station.I started walking and realized that I took the wrong way, the longer way. 

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