lauantai 15. huhtikuuta 2017

April 16th: Moving (single mom)

I was moving to another apartment in our building, a smaller one, but it had a terrace and a small yard. It was however on the ground floor, and very close to the road. I was re-thinking the move since I was worried someone would break in and steal my cats, or break a window and the cats would run away. Then I realised the apartment had a plastig floor, not wooden like my current home. The toilet and shower had a whole body window straight towards the road, although the shower door was milk glass. I was ready to back off the move, but my other neighbours, Danny & Eve, had already started to pack my things and move in, in my apartment, even though there was still 1,5 weeks left for me to move out. I was upset since she'd packed all my facial creams and I could not find them after a shower.

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