I've been so tired and sometimes had lots of dreams, but most nights I can remember them only the second I wake, here's from the past two months, what I have remembered:
A nightmare where I was bleeding lots of slime and blood, while pregnant, and night terrors, where I couldn't put on the lights and kept yelling "stop bothering me". Then something about my older cats kitten and a steak, my baby showing it's hand through the belly kind and me showing it to my sister and her being all "ewwww".
We were about to get engaged with A, but my dad said "The priest is already here on scene", so we got married instead, but there where no names mentioned nor rings given, just said "now ni are man and woman", and I bent A down and kissed him like a woman, and then we went on with our day, leaving the place in both our own cars.
I had my car in a garage, and it was 2 EUR for the parking. I had 15 minutes to get my car out, but the ticket machine would not accept my coins so I had to pay with my credit card.
Something about iceskating and a water truck, and I sucked at iceskating, which you had to pay for, and only got 30 minutes on the ice.
Something about my boobs, and that I was walking on the street in just my bra, on my way to get a shirt.
Something about perfumes.
Something about colourful feathers, that someone was pouring over something.
The Bus 42 went a much wider range that it normally does. A's cousin Nicolas was housesitting my parents house, and I was concerned that they'd leave the balcony door open, and something about downloading Torrents on my computer, ready for him, and emptying my desktop waste bin.
I was walking down the street and past walked to men who were probably 3m tall.
Lots of dreams with the numbers 2 and 4.
A long dream: There was a party at my old job (DB), I was swimming and my make-up got all ruined. Then there was food and some guy announcing he's putting up his own firm, and asking people who wants what, and started hiring people right there and then. Someone with knowledge in Russia had already been hired. I asked if he had something for me, a year from now, and showed him I was pregnant. When some of the positions were filled, my old Bos said "Soon I'll be the only one left in my team". The guys then said "Those who've been hired by me, or have another job coming, can leave now", so Gavin then left. Then I went to take a shower, to rinse off the make-up, got horny, and then started putting on new make-up. In the dressingroom and shower, there was a window, and I was thinking that if Gavin would walk past, I could flash him a little, but he was probably with this girlfriend, arranging their wedding. Some Russian ladies then came to the showroom to use the toilet, but I showed them where there were other toilets they could use. Then A came in to the shower and I asked if I could play a bit with the shower, and he was all in, until the water hit a cut he had on his penis and he wanted to stop and said "besides I already came a bit".
A lot about Gavin. He got caught sending me messages, so we were wondering how to get a hold of each other, and figured out it is possible to do it through songs on Spotify and leaving messages there.
Something about the hairdresser, my eyebrows and my eyelashes. Then I was at Nico's and then painting doors at my old job (DB). I realised in the evening before it was supposed to be finished that I had missed and forgot to paint here and there. I went to finish up but some guy had put an intern to do it. Then Bon Jovi "In these arms" started playing and I was sexy dancing with Donnie Wahlberg, and painted white paint on 3 girls, who were dressed like they were straight from the 80's.
I was driving in my old job (DB) garage, 2 days, past Gavin. The second day, I waved at him at the gate. It was winter, cold as hell and snowy. I offered him a ride, and asked where he was going. He said this place close by, since he had to "give these Cider's to (my friend) Mary-Ann". He was quite cold and rude, and did not comment on my pregnancy belly at all.
I was on holiday somewhere aboard, with turquoise clear warm waters and lots of sandy beaches. We had a treasure hunt, and was to go look for it with or without scuba gear. Before that, I went and had pizza. On my way back, I wanted to take a picture of the whole gang, but had problems with getting every one to fit in one picture, so I had to divide it in 2 pictures. Then Tara wanted to go have pizza with this one hot guy in our group, who I also was interested in. Then suddenly he grabbed me, kissed me, and said he want's me to come with. Tara got a bit mad and started walking towards the pizza place with someone else.
I was alone at night in the hospital, no baby, even though I had recently given birth. I had my normal clothes on, and had to go poop, but didn't manage to do it, even though I sat quite long in the toilet and tried. When I got back to my room, my mom was laying there with her broken leg, and they had brought my baby beside her bed. I then told my mom who I can't even take a dump. Then I was thinking about holding the baby up so my mom can have a look at her.
I had 5 kittens and an old co-worker Tamara and my sister were at our place. My sister was supposed to cook dinner, white salmon and "light" salmon, with her new boyfriend, who just made a mess. I told them they could have the white salmon, and then the guy put the spoon he had used the wrong way in the dishwasher, so the basket got stuck. Then Tamara came and said the kittens need food... Then they were following me, while I was mopping the floor from mud cake stains. Then I cleaned their litter box, and found a tiny black kitten, buried under the litter. Luckily it was still alive, so I rescued it. With the kittens and mommy cat's there was also a horse, which I was afraid would step in me or hurt me, since I was pregnant.
A was helping some mormon family at the horse stables. My sister was also working there. My sisters horse wanted to cuddle, and not stay inside the fence, so when I left his booth, he followed by crawling under the wire. Then him and another horse started jumping around like crazy, and my sisters horse jumped over his fence to the other horses booth. Then some woman came and wanted to talk to A, and asked where J (A's dads name) is, even though she ment A. I pointed at A, who stood a bit away, having a smoke. When A came to us, I introduced him and said "his name is A, this is his dad J". Then A went back to working and said "I hope I don't have to take all the horses outside". I yelled "yes you do".. but he did not hear, I tried many times, but then gave up, because he didn't hear, and I felt sorry for him.
We were laying naked in the bed with A, and he asked if he could pee in my ass and then that he thought I had a loaf there.
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