Recently I've had dreams about fighting with A. Where I shout at him about him not caring about me nor our daughter. Where I shout at his friends and father. Such as this afternoon while I was taking a nap I was on an island, supposedly A's summer place. We were supposed to be together but he put on "going out" clothes, so I asked if he's going somewhere? "yes, to a party". So he was again leaving me alone, to go with friends, drink and smoke weed. After which I shouted at him and his friends, so that my throat hurt. Then I told everyone that I want to go home. I'd rather take care of the baby at home. But A's farther told me that there is no room in the boat. I was left alone. The island was suddenly a lot bigger, and I was on a sort of a Bus stop. I asked how I can get off the island, and some older lady told me there is a ferry leaving soon. People were already running. Then I tried to find someone who was smoking, so I could bum a cigarette, since I did not have any, having meen smoke free for over 4 weeks.
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was with friends, on a vacation, something with a boat, our boat, and taking pictures, and my sister steering the boat in a weird way.
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