Then I was in my hotel room with my stuff and went to bed. The next day when I got to my room I found a note which said that some burglars had stolen my laptops but I should't worry since I'd still get a new company laptop for free and they left me a camera instead. I was looking at it, if it was recording or what the hell. I was then calling the police and trying to solve the whole burglar thing and the sex affair, and I was so sad and mad at that guy for fucking that other girl.
Then at some point there was this wagon type house with sells and young kids (5-15) running and someone shouting that the ones who can't find a sell is left out, and people where pushing to get in to these sells, where they were supposed to spend 1 year. I think my mom was there, but not as in she was the one who had to spend a year in a sell, just taking up one space to show that so many people can fit in one.
Then there was some boat, kind of a hotel, but it was a boat and I was feeling woozy and something about the sex affair, I had a talk or argument with him.
The last thing I remember was that I was chasing this guy I know and his 2 friends, supposed to be the burglars. Me and "A" were driving behind and we saw the burglars car slide on the side through this tunnel so when it was our turn to turn, we made a small loop to the left and slide thought he tunnel as well and then just drove after them. At one point we lost them, since we took some shortcut throughout the woods and came to that old friends place before they were there. We waited, hidden with guns for the burglars to arrive and when they did, we had guns at them, asking why they stole my stuff and that I want it back.
Ooh and at some point, might be another dream but had to do with that co-worker I supposedly had a sex affair with who I was supposedly mad at. I was in my apartment building and the elevator was token. If I wanted to go to the 4th floor it took me to the 5th, at one point the door was so jammed I had to jump out when it was possible and then at one point the elevator started going down with super speed and I was trying out different positions on how to stand when it all comes down, so that I won't get killed.
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