"A" and I broke up on Monday, after 4 years and I feel lost. Even though I knew it has to be done, I don't know if I can live without him. All the thoughts in my head are a mess. I've dreamt of us since then, but nothing I can remember that well, only the that I dreamt about him. But I just had a dream about something else.
It was dark, like outside in the night. I was with someone (the only thing I remember is that he had dark brown hair, that was a bit over grown and started to curl up). There were many people around. I was really horny and the guy I was with and I lay down. He started lowering my shirt to touch my left breast. Others could see but I didn't care. My hard swollen round breast and hard nipple was out and the guy gently touched it and kissed it, and started to softly lick my nipple. It felt so good. Then some man said something and close by was a fire, I could see the darkness, the flames and the guys hair I was with and my breast and it just felt so good. The fire was taking over and we had to stop, then I woke.
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