perjantai 29. toukokuuta 2015

May 30th: Cat in the pan & brown foam (pregnant)

My younger cat jumped in the fryingpan and lay down to sleep while I was cooking, and ofcourse I paniced and picked her up an gave her a lecture. 

It was a festival or something and I was just checking it out, not partying, because pregnant. Then I hang out with Sara. Suddenly there was a wet pool where se stood a minute ago and Sara said "oh no I think I peed myself". It wasn't her, it was me, and it wasn't pee, because I was still leaking. I thiught it was my water, but it was more like a light brown, odorless, foam. I needed to go to the bathroom to see what's going on. It was an outdoor toilet made of wood. I got a candle, even though there was a flashligt. The toilet seat hosever was really high and there was a ladder, which I had problems with becuase of my poor balance with my big babybelly. 

May 25th - 29th: Random dreams (pregnant)

I've seen a lot of dreams every night, or barely any. If I have I can remember them the second I wake, but not in the morning when i get up.

Last night I can only remember that one co-worker asked me to fix his broken leather wallet. I told him I can't sew that tiny, so he asked me to go get it glued. I then went out while the guys were going out for lunch, and I had a feeling they were all mocking me, like I was really simple minded. 

May 19th: A night full of dreams (pregnant)

My sister had a thing with the "Porsche man". She just left her boyfriend to be with that other guy and I was furious at her and screaming at her. He had liked her "bimbo-head-tilt" pictures and she was all after him and his fancy car. No one else cared that she just dumped her boyfriend to that other guy. 

I was a the movies, and I had 4 tickets to the same show. Some at row 4 and some at row 9. I saw an old co-worker and gave him 2 tickets. Then the next dream followed (with the same old co-worker).

I was at an old co-worker who had a really cool house, with tropical atmosphere inside. Suddenly everyone was naked or in a towel, and he was standing there bare nude. My c-worker didn't even notice that I had a a huge belly bump. Suddenly there were some hobos drinking and bbq:ing in his back yard forest. My co-worker was also babysitting some maybe 10:ish girl, and they both got up in a tree to spy on the hobos. My co-worker was all mad that some random hobos were on his property. Then the cops came and took them away.

I was outside a rave, with my friend Hannah, and there was something about antibiotics. I hade the baby wiht me in a stroller, and Hannah and I were smoking. My Dj friend Denis told us not to take any pics, and everyone was wondering if it was my baby with me. I showed them my tummy and said "yeah, but here's the newest". Then an ex of mine, J, had told everyone I had sex with him. Then I was cleaning up at the back yard and someone told me, I have my co-worker Tim's eggs, 6 of them. When I came back out, Hannah grabbed the eggs, and was about to take them to Tim. Then some crazy bitch came and tried to steal my baby, and I had to try and protect my belly while chasing her. i got my baby back and went inside a flower shop where the owner helped me. 

Some school, where there was the old building and the new. The new did not have any seats in the classrooms, instead there were big beds, so that everyone could relax while studying. Then when it was time for gymnastics and the shower, I noticed that the girls showers had huge windows, towards the classrooms. The curtains were somehow so that we could not close them from inside. So everyone could see straight in to the showers. 

Random dreams during May (pregnant)

I was supposed to take a pee-test (infection) and my pee was blue. I thought my water broke, and that the baby had pooped in the water (since it can turn green if the baby poops in the water). 

There were some Estonian guys in our apartment building and one tried to hit on me. He even followed me to our door and would not stop even if I had a huge baby belly and I told him that I'm not interested AND I'M PREGNANT!

I had delivered our baby, and he/she was really tiny. I was afraid I'd break his/her neck, so I held the baby on a pillow all the time. I put the baby on the floor (on the pillow) while I was taking a shower, and the baby started moving and jumping like our younger cat. 

Gavin's gray toothbrush was in A's drawer. I thought I have to get rid of it before A comes home and uses it. 

My friend Anna had dumped her boyfriend Max and started dating one of his friends. 

may 6th: Partying and baking (pregnant)

I was in a bar with my friend Tony and out "crew". Everyone was dancing in the middle and towards our booth, to the wall, everyone started dancing like a dance wave. Tony asked me to join him at the bar. I doubted at first, but then I went with him, since 3 girls started to hit on him and he needed help to get loose. One of the girls was hanging on him at the bar, so I helped him by pushing her away. Tony then asked what I wanted to drink, and I said I can't drink anything, and showed him the tummy, that wasn't even swollen at all. He got a bit shocked and sad. When we went back to our booth, the 3 girls followed. They were pretending to be really super smart (even though such bimbos) and that they were good at different languages, like french. I started speaking Swedish to them, and they did not understand a word I was saying. Suddenly we were at my grandmas drinking some really weird coffee, and eating dessert. We started talking about our cousins, the "B's", about them not being that beautiful, and that their grandmas family was some really rich English financing family (although, LOL, that's my grandpas sister in real life)

I was baking a mothers day cake, and when I was finished I had a look at the recipe, and it said I had to put some gauze between the layers, so that the layers won't melt together, but I thought that they probably wouldn't melt all together to become one piece... 

keskiviikko 27. toukokuuta 2015

May 6th: An affair (pregnant)

I had an affair with this Thai guy who I used to go to school with (no one I'd EVER fancy.. eww.. not my type at all), while I was pregnant. We had sex (luckily my dream skipped the whole sex scene) and I told the Thai to leave before A comes home at 8. The Thai got mad, and A suddenly came home. I told A that we had a school project. I had forgotten 3 bags of tomatoes in the bed... A had bought me hair dye, so that I could dye my hair butterscotch color, but I told him that if I dye my hair with that, it'll get bright red. Then he went back out to get something he forgot, and when he was back he asked if my boobs had been too warm. I wondered "What, why do you ask?". He said since my jacket is down by the pool, which meant that the Thai guy had borrowed my jacket when he was downstairs.

tiistai 26. toukokuuta 2015

May 5th: Drinking (pregnant)

I was in the summer/harbor city and was starting to run home or to our summer place (even though I was pregnant). Then I met some girl, and walked on the beach, and then I started to drink cider. Suddenly I was drinking vodka or something and I was really drunk. In the morning when I was at home I couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. 

Some weird dream about my job... 

May 2nd: I got my old job back (pregnant)

I got my old job back, but wasn't sure if I had gotten it back when I was there, since no one seemed to know I was coming back, or if it was all just a mistake that I got an email with my contract that said I was again working there. I then went to see my old Boss, and he said "it was an error in the system". Then he said "If you know something about Australia, saynora!"... as if there was an opening, and I did not have a job here, but one in Australia. 

April 30th: An avoiding Gavin (pregnant)

I was with my old job, at some company "thing", ski trip, or something. Gavin was avoiding me, so I walked past him so that my back touched him, but still no reaction from him. We were then supposed to slide on the ice, but the ice had half melted and I sunk in the water. The water was really warm, so we swam to shore, and then we were all soaked. I then sat down on some stairs, next to Gavin and asked him how he's been. He told me "not much, I'll start working at Pohj**a on Monday". Then we didn't talk much more. Then a meeting started, and I sat so that Gavin could not see if I text anyone, what I write. I wrote my friend Nilla everything about what had happened. My co-worker from my current job, tried to see what I was writing and to try and hide that he's snooping, he was asking if I had a iPhone 5. 

maanantai 25. toukokuuta 2015

April 28th: Sex catastrophe (pregnant)

We were sleeping at A´s dads and were about to have sex, but the curtains were so see trough that A covered them with a blanket. We however did not have sex, since A wanted to go to the toilet and then shower first. He did not wipe nor shower properly, since some poop got on to the towel. 

I was making breakfast to a bunch of people at my mom and dads. I put a slice of toasted bread on my plate, so I could have one right away. Then some man said "am I so greedy that I won't get any", when his brother took food before him, when I replied "No I was about to put it here, he's more greedy than you. Then my sisters boyfriend was trying to reach my mom regarding a lift somewhere.

April 27th: Sex dreams (Pregnant)

A few dreams about sex and boobs...

April 24th: Stressful situations (Pregnant)

I was at the maternity clinic on a regular check up, taking my urine test, but the cup was leaking, so my pee was running along the wall. Then i noticed my appointment was in 2-3 weeks. 

A overslept and left for work. He came back shortly, crying that he'd lost his job because he was late (just by one hour). 

It was sunny and I was driving in the city when I had to make a u-turn since there were police men with weapons and dogs standing on the street catching a suspicious truck. I had to stop at a raid and take a breathalyzer test. I was chewing a gum, that flew through the straw while I was blowing and some forensic person had to review my test result. I had forgot to turn on the turn signal, so the police had a long talk with me. I showed the policeman that I'm pregnant, and have not been drinking. When I got to leave, there was a toll stop at one of the bridges. When I finally got to drive on, the whole bridge was higher than normal, with bunch of metal, and it was like driving on to a ferry's upper car deck. It was though really uneven and I was really scared. When I was at the other end, a bridge worker had to lower the "road" so I could get my car down. My car shrunk to a toy car size with a pulling handle, and I was pulling it behind me, as I half slid down from the bridge and walked through what looked like a building site. I got some black oil on my hands. When I got out from the tent covered construction site, there were some teenagers outside. I then walked to my car, which was now parked in a spot where I usually leave it when I'm at work. I was wondering how I'd walk/drive and park until they are finished with the bridge work, since it will take forever to get over it every day, and it wasn't very pleasant. 

tiistai 19. toukokuuta 2015

April 20th: Work stuff (pregnant)

I was on my way to my old job, and met my old Boss and he wanted to talk, but I was leaving, so he asked if I wanted to take a ride with him, and if I need to go to the store. Then when we were already in the car, driving, he asked if I was going to eat in the work place canteen. So we drove back. At the canteen there were only sandwiches with filling that I can't eat (like prawns and such), or plain chicken breasts. 

I was working with my old colleague Jen, and my ex Jonny came and asked her to do some cool stuff for the electronic party Club Colors. I had promised my friend Caroline to do 2 night shifts at another party. Jonny asked me where I was going to work. I then realized "Shit, I can't work since I have to pick up my parents at 5 pm and I can't even stand for long periods due to that I'm pregnant and I have hernia". 

April 18th: Rewriting a book and travelling (pregnant)

I was in Thailand, with one of the people from Temptation Island. I was reading a book, that a young cash register girl had written, but it wasn't well written so I re-wrote some of the text. She was then wondering how I can write so well, with such passion, about lusting someone. Then I was pondering if I had enough money for the Bus. Then I noticed that I wasn't at all tanned, and I had only 4 days left of my trip, but it got cloudy the minute I wanted to tan. Then something about choosing the right bikini... I sat at the balcony door opening and tried to tan, and thought I should go down to the beach and tan by the water to get the maximum tan. 

April 17th: Gavin in my dreams (pregnant)

I was on my way to a Marc O'Polo store to work, which was next to my old job. I was pregnant and I had problems with getting my clothes to fit. I went inside my old working place building, and there was a seminar (on a weekend morning). I saw Gavin, and thought I can sneak to the bathroom before he notices me, but he shouted something about "4". Gavin was super drunk. I went to the bathroom, only to add some blush, even though I wouldn't have needed any. While I was peeing, I almost fell asleep. 

I was a the harbors, up in a crane, and I fell asleep in the crane chair. While, a fuse burned and I had to glide down. I was super scared that I'd fall and die. When at the ground, Sara wanted to steer the crane on some rails. Then something about food... 

Gavin said "I want to touch you", but I hadn't shaved my private area. I tried to find shaver in a perfume/ make-up shelf. I wanted to have a smoke before I shaved, but I only had "red" smokes, and I wanted light, but I didn't get any, only an offer to get a couple of puffs, but the woman who was giving the smoke to me, threw it away. Then I was trying to smoke a garlic baguette. I was back inside, trying to find clothes, but everything was dirty, so I put on a hoodie and underpants. Gavin sat and waited on me, among other people, alone on the bed. He asked me something about A, and I was all "no...". 

April 14th: Weird dreams continue (pregnant)

My sister  told me I have to wear rubber boots (because it was going to rain). 

I was in a jungle, with trees filled with fruits. I then picked some, paid for them, and thought I'd give them to the animals in the jungle. (WTF!!? The animals can eat them for free straight from the trees)

I was in a ski-resort with some guy (might have been A, might have been Gavin). There was something about sex, and then I was late from the last Bus. The guy told me I can take the train. But then I'd have to walk 20 km from the station home. I wondered if I could just stay the night, since it was shit cold and in the middle of the night. I then asked if I could have a smoke. Instead I got a really thin one, and only 4 "barely any smoke" blows.  

I was bleeding like crazy, and thought I had miscarried. It turned out it was pouring bloody water from my ass. 

A customer wanted to have some more information on Saturday. When Saturday came, I was at my Moms parents, and it was super dirty, like no one had been cleaning in ages. I remembered at 1:20 pm, that I was supposed to be at work, and checked my phone to see that one of the assistants hadn't even tried to reach me, so I thought that maybe she'd also forgotten. Then suddenly I was on my way to the Bus, near my mom and dads, on a normal working day, and ti was 2 pm, and I hadn't even informed my Boss that I'm not coming in, because I'm on my way to the hospital because of bleeding. 

April 8th: Party and sleepover (pregnant)

It was time for the monthly Hallmark "rave" and I thought I wouldn't go, because I'm pregnant, so I turned around at the door. However, I saw Gavin go inside, so I did too. He never said "Hi", but he sat close to me and Jo. After Hallmark, I slept at Hannah's place, as did Gavin. He never said a word to me. When I woke, his shoes were gone and Hannah didn't sleep. I was looking around the bedroom, and noticed that they slept together and had sex. I was raging around and told Hannah she's not my friend anymore!