perjantai 16. toukokuuta 2014

The past week

For the past week I've seen so many dreams, some of really crazy. At this point I can only remember pieces, since I just wrote down some of the main things on paper, but I'll try and describe the dreams as close to how they were, as possible.

I was drawing pictures of seals on a paper.

Something about this guy "D" who I've been seeing since Easter.

My ex had joined Facebook again, and Tinder at the same time.

"D" called me. He was back at home. He said he had gotten a ride from his bestie (who's a girl) and he'd been drinking a lot and they had sex. Before explaining the whole situation he said "We don't have to talk anymore". I asked him several times what he meant by that, but he just kept saying the same over and over again. Then it was like he'd left the phone somewhere and didn't listen. I called him back and he said the same again. I asked him to explain what he meant, since I didn't care that he slept with her and told him that "since we're not together, we've only had sex a few times and been dating so you can do what you want". But then he wanted to see me and we were laying on my clutch in my apartment, which was actually my parents apartment and they were at home.

This one famous DJ and I was on something like Tinder and we became a match. He then started chatting with me, like FaceTime and I thought we were just going to chat, but he wanted me to undress and show my boobs, and he would then show his penis. I told him I wasn't there to do that sort of stuff and closed the conversation.

I was with my sister. We were driving this really old crappy car. We were looking for a parking space for a really long time and then finally found one and parked the car in the city center and our parents were there and I asked them to hold this cake I had. At some point we were in a café. We were going out with the girls and the group of us were walking in the city during the night. We walked towards this star gazing / astronomy house and I thought the view looked really cool and thought that I'd take a picture and post it on Instagram so "D" could see it. All of this was in Sweden or Denmark.

We baked this cake for mom, since it was Mother's Day. I woke up in the morning to find that the frosting had melted. The whole cake was just a wet sugary cake with sugar paste flowers on it.

I was at the hairdresser and coloured my hair dark brown and cut bangs. Just like my mom's hair, so I looked just like her, but 20 years younger.

Me and my mom, and my sister and dad were there too but not with us all the time, were at some gala. We were walking around and then got these Veuve Clicquot giftbags with a VC camera and then there were some salmon cubes.

My sister and ? was with the dogs along on this trip. There was some UFO thing and they were going there or coming from there. I told her I'd be sending her a message or calling her when I'm in Sweden.

I was at some party. My 2 new small tattoos I took had totally faded. I could only see some small parts left of them. One of them also had these extra lines that weren't there from the beginning. I was trying to cover them up so Gavin wouldn't see them, since he liked them earlier when I had just gotten them. I was looking for a toilet. A friend of mine, who's place we were in, showed me to this toilet in one of the bedrooms, that was hidden under clothes. I went there, it was really small, and then while sitting on the toilet I noticed this girl I know ( who was also living there but not joining the party,) laying in the bathtub. The bath area and toilet was decided with shelves so she couldn't see me.  Since I wasn't supposed to be in the toilet I tried to be really quiet so she wouldn't see me, but then I managed to drop her make-up kit and she saw me. We had a small chat and then I was done.

My breast had swollen a lot from my pills.

I was in my Ex's sisters Sarahs apartment about to return some clothes. She told me I can keep 3 pairs of pants. Then I needed to change, and she had these big windows, and I needed to leave the bags of clothes somewhere where no one could see them from the outside.

I was participating in some bike and running marathon. During a brake we had we could all take a shower.  But all of us, most people from work were there and we had to share the shower. The towels were really tiny white ones. I didn't have one so I had to borrow from a co-worker. When I was taking the shower, Gavin and 2 other guys from work were there sitting on a bench, waiting for their turn, and I was looking at Gavins penis.

Me and my sister had thrown a party at our parents house. They came home in the middle of the night from some vacation. In the morning, before they had woken, I noticed a lot of cigarette buds on the terrace floor that had frozen to the floor and ground and I told my sister we have to clean up everything before mom and dad wake up. Then my sister was sleeping and I was in the house and there was some Boogieman after me so I went and hid between my sisters bed and the wall, under a blanket and I could see the Boogieman entering the room.